Japanese Curry with Beef (from scratch)
Japanese Curry with Beef (from scratch)

Hey everyone, it is Louise, welcome to my recipe site. Today, we’re going to make a special dish, japanese curry with beef (from scratch). It is one of my favorites. This time, I am going to make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.

Japanese Curry with Beef (from scratch) is one of the most well liked of recent trending meals in the world. It’s simple, it is fast, it tastes yummy. It is enjoyed by millions every day. Japanese Curry with Beef (from scratch) is something that I’ve loved my whole life. They are fine and they look fantastic.

To get started with this recipe, we have to prepare a few ingredients. You can cook japanese curry with beef (from scratch) using 22 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to make Japanese Curry with Beef (from scratch):
  1. Make ready 250 g Beef (slice thinly)
  2. Make ready 70 Yellow Onions (diced neatly)
  3. Get 1/2 (80 g) Fuji Apple (chopped finely)
  4. Get 70 g Celery (diced neatly)
  5. Make ready 60 g Carrots (diced neatly)
  6. Make ready 100 g Potatoes (diced neatly)
  7. Make ready 3 Tbsp Cooking Oil
  8. Make ready 1 Tbsp S&B Curry Powder
  9. Prepare 1 tsp Sugar
  10. Make ready 2 pinches (2 g) Salt
  11. Get 1-2 cup Stock/Water
  12. Make ready [Curry Roux];
  13. Get 3 Tbsp Butter
  14. Take 3 Tbsp Flour
  15. Prepare 1 Tbsp S&B Curry Powder
  16. Take 0.5-1 cup Water/Stock
  17. Get [Quick Katsu Sauce recipe];
  18. Make ready 3 Tbsp Tomato paste
  19. Get 1 Tbsp Kikkoman Light Soy sauce
  20. Take 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  21. Prepare 1 Tbsp Rice Vinegar
  22. Take 2 tsp Sugar
Instructions to make Japanese Curry with Beef (from scratch):
  1. Heat 2 Tbsp of cooking oil in a wok until hot and dry the onions until it is fragrant and translucent. Then add the apples and caramelise them for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Then add the beef, mix well and cook them until the beef is brown all over. Then add in the potatoes, Celery, carrots and stir fry them for 1 minutes. Add stock/water as well as 1 Tbsp of curry powder and let it cook until veggies and beef are tender.
  3. Meanwhile, in another wok, and in bitter and flour, mix well and cook them to a smooth consistency (try not to let the butter become brown). Add the S&B Curry Powder and Katsu sauce and mix well. Lastly add the stock and mix it to smooth consistency again.
  4. Add the Curry Roux to the Beef and Veggie broth and then mix well. Season with Salt and then serve.

Eat These 14 Superfoods to Go Green for Great Health

One great thing about green living is opting to take life easier and enjoy yourself along the way. It is possible to attain this, even in this busy world we are living in. We must take a step back and fight diseases before they occur. A lot of people think nothing of mistreating their bodies today and fixing them with a pill later. It’s impossible to turn around without hearing about the current pill to treat your health problems. Naturally, several of these pills are able to help but only if you couple them with shift in your lifestyle. When your body wears out, you can’t get a new one, like your car. You mustn’t delay or it will be too late to look after your health. Your body cannot run correctly if it doesn’t receive proper nutrition.

Do you eat because food is available and you savor what they taste or do you decided to eat foods that are good for you? How frequently do you eat at your local fast food joint or buy junk food at the local convenience store? Consuming sugar and starches, and also greasy foods, is there any wonder why new diseases are being discovered all of the time? The food products we are consuming cause obesity, diabetes, and hypertension of epidemic proportions. People are opting to eat better now that they realize how crucial food choices are to their health. Nowadays it is so easy to find quality foods by purchasing from a local farmer’s market or health food store.

Nowadays, you can find an organic food aisle in virtually all grocery stores. This food section has what are today acknowledged as superfoods. That name has been given to 14 foods that have been proved to slow down some diseases, or even reverse them. By eating these superfoods, your body will more fit. Once you replace the junk food with the superfoods, you will see a surprising increase in how healthy you feel. Giving your body the nutrition it needs will allow it to function well. When this happens, your immune system will easily ward off maladies.

Your daily diet must include at least some of these super foods. To start, beans are very good, and berries, especially blueberries. Things that are green, such as broccoli, spinach, and green tea. Walnuts and whole grains are a couple of other essentials. In addition, you may want to eat salmon, turkey, yogurt, soya bean, tomatoes, oranges, and pumpkins. When you consume these superfoods on a regular basis, you should not have to worry about any weight gain problems.

Following a green living meal plan will offer you exactly what you need for good health. You will see that your immune system becomes better and your body will be able to fight against disease. Ensure your future health by switching to healthy eating habits today.